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Dhanyawad Ke Saath Stuti Gaoonga Lyrics

Dhanyawad Ke Saath Stuti Gaoonga Lyrics - Christian Hindi Song Lyrics

Dhanyawad Ke Saath Stuti Gaoonga Lyrics is originally a Malayalam Christian Song translated to Hindi by Pastor Daniel George. It's a very meaningful Christian Hindi Song. This song lyrics talks about God's abundant blessing towards us even though we are not worthy of it. It's a beautiful Christian Worship Song. 

Dhanyawad Ke Saath Stuti Gaoonga Lyrics

Song: Dhanyawad Ke Saath Stuti Gaoonga
Singer: Shirin George
Music: Daniel George
Hindi Translation: Pastor Wilson George

Dhanyawad Ke Saath Stuti Gaoonga Lyrics

Dhanyawad ke saath stuti gaoonga
Hey yeeshu mere Khuda
Upkaar tere hain beshumaar
Koti koti stuti dhanyawad

Yogyata se badke diya hai
Apni daya se tune mujhe
Mangne se zyaada mila mujhe
Aabhaari hun prabhu mai

Tu hai sacha zinda khuda
Tujh par hi bharosa mera
Seva poori karke paoon inaam
Prabhu aisa do vardaan

धन्यवाद के साथ स्तुति गाऊँगा  Lyrics

धन्यवाद के साथ स्तुति गाऊँगा
हे यीशु मेरे खुदा
उपकार तेरे हैं बेशुमार
कोटि कोटि स्तुति धन्यवाद

योग्यता से बढ़ के दिया है
अपनी दया से तूने मुझे
माँगने से ज़्यादा मिला मुझे
आभारी हूँ प्रभु मैं

तू है सच्चा ज़िन्दा खुदा
तुझ पर ही भरोसा मेरा
सेवा पूरी करके पाऊँ इनाम
प्रभु ऐसा दो वरदान

Thank you for going through Dhanyawad Ke Saath Stuti Gaoonga Lyrics. I believe God touched your heart while you going through the lyrics. Dhanyawad Ke Saath Song Lyrics brings blessing to you and your family. In this website you will find Hindi Worship Songs Lyrics, Odia Christian Song Lyrics.


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