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The Israelite Girl and The Story of Naaman

          Sharing The Joy You Have Experienced

2nd King 5:2 and 3 say, Now bands of raiders from Aram had gone out and had taken captive a young girl from Israel, and she served Naaman’s wife. She said to her mistress, “If only my master would see the prophet who is in Samaria! He would cure him of his leprosy.”

Here I would like to outline few things about the young girl:

She had an observing heart 

She observed people around her and found out that Naaman, commander of the army, was having a problem.  She also understood that her master has not been able to solve the problem on his own efforts. She knew how rich her master was but she also knew the richness was in vain when it came to healing his master.

Do you have an observing heart that can find out people who are in trouble, people who think that their problem cannot be solved! There are many around us, be it poor or rich. Can you see people who have lost all hope in their lives!

She had a caring heart

The little girl cared for her master. The good news she knew, she shared those with her mistress. She really wanted her master, Naaman, to be cured and she knew that her master can be cured. She did not think about the severity of the disease but she thought about the healing touch of God. As somebody has written, I will not say my God how big my problem is but I will say my problems how big my God is."

Do you have a caring heart for people going through different kind of problems in their life? If you can observe people around you suffering and you care for them, then refer them to the person who really can solve their problem.

She knew who is problem solver

She knew prophet in Samaria, Elisha, can cure her master.

Many a times, we know people's problems, we care for them but we do not have the resource or we do not know where to send them.  This little girl might have heard about Elisha and his work.

Do we really take time to find out the resources around us so that when we see people in need, we can send them there.


2nd King 5:15 says, Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel. Elisha did not preach word of God to Naaman or did not ask him to pray. If we can really help people who have lost hope in their life, we automatically preach them the Gospel, we share the joy that we have experienced in our lives.

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